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23 July, 2009

Microsoft Office 2010 Mondo Beta 1 (Technical Preview v14 0 4302 1000) Microsoft Office 2010 Mondo Beta 1 835

After Windows 7 the next big buzz from Microsoft is Office 2010. In past Office 2010 is also referred as Office 14/Grava and Office System 2009 but still its unclear what will be the name of next Microsoft office release. We had reported about first screenshots of of office 14 and Software roadmap details back in January, 2009.
After silence of around two month once again a new set of Office 14 screenshots are surfaced on internet reported by Neowin. As per Neowin Office 14 aka Office 2010 is in closed testing and public beta can be expected later this year.

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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Hi... I am doing my MBA in Tamilnadu College of Engineering, coimbatore... “The first thing you must know about me is that I always stand what I stand for. Good? The second thing you must know about yourself listening to me is that words are tricky. So when you know what me a stand for, when me explain a thing to you, you must never try to look 'point it in a different way from what me a stand for.”

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