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05 July, 2009

Buzz That RapidShare Wait Limit[IT]

is a free unlimited file hosting service. If you are not a RapidShare
Premium member, you will need to wait 45 seconds before you can start
downloading the file. Wait no more! It is easy to crack the RapidShare wait time limit!

Crack RapidShare Wait Limit
  1. Load the RapidShare download link.
  2. Scroll to bottom of the page, click on the “Free” button.
  3. The download page will load. Scroll to the bottom of the page again, you will get a download waiting time countdown.

  4. Instead of waiting for it, paste “javascript:alert(c=0)” into your web browser’s address bar, and press “Enter”.

  5. Then, you will get a dialog like the following, press the “OK” button.

  6. You are done! You can start downloading immediately!

Tips: You can use “javascript:var c=0;” to skip the dialog but still get the same result.


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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Hi... I am doing my MBA in Tamilnadu College of Engineering, coimbatore... “The first thing you must know about me is that I always stand what I stand for. Good? The second thing you must know about yourself listening to me is that words are tricky. So when you know what me a stand for, when me explain a thing to you, you must never try to look 'point it in a different way from what me a stand for.”

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