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01 July, 2009

How to convert/export Audio files to MP3 from Audacity?


Audacity is an excellent audio editing software that you can use to edit audio files on your computer easily. It supports editing of audio files in various formats, but there’s a minor glitch: Though you can edit MP3 files on Audacity, you cannot export and save them back on to your PC.


If you try to export an audio file to MP3 on Audacity, you’ll get the following error which will tell you to install the LAME MP3 encoder that contains the lame_enc.dll file that is need by Audacity to export files to MP3:

Audacity Export to MP3 Warning Dialog

Now, to make things work, you need to do the following:

  • Download the LAME MP3 Encoder for Windows from here
  • Unzip the encoder files that were downloaded, and place them in a location on your hard disk
  • Now, if you have Audacity opened, go to File >> Export as MP3 >> Choose a suitable location for the file
  • Audacity will display the same warning message again
  • Click Yes
  • Locate to lame_enc.dll and then click OK
  • That’s it, you can now export your audio files to MP3 without any extra effort hence forth

Hope you found this guide useful. Share your thoughts in the comments.


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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
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