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01 July, 2009

Filter my RSS


FilterMyRSS is a pretty neat and useful service for bloggers. With FilterMyRSS, you can filter information on an RSS feed, and cut it down to get only what you want.


Consider that you’re reading a popular blog that publishes tens of articles everyday. Not all posts might be of value to you, but all posts fall right on your RSS reader since you just can’t customize what comes through the feed. Information Overload.

Here’s where FilterMyRSS comes in handy. You can filter out unwanted stuff from such feeds easily by specifying some possible keywords to the title, description, or the category of the source feed, and get the content on the feed filtered to ‘what you really want to read’.

There’s a neat example on the FilterMyRSS blog page that I’d like to quote here:

Let’s say you have a blog about Diabetes. In order to keep your reader base and blog up-to-date you subscribe to a number of medical blogs, journals, newspaper and medical website feeds.

You have learned RSS feeds push the most current information right to your RSS reader. However, there is a problem as your source RSS feeds push ALL their information, yet you like updates only on articles which concern Diabetes.

Using FilterMyRSS, you can use keywords and filter the feed, and get another feed that’s short and contains what you are looking for.

That’s just an instance. I’m sure we can put this tool to great uses, and boost some productivity. What you think guys?


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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Hi... I am doing my MBA in Tamilnadu College of Engineering, coimbatore... “The first thing you must know about me is that I always stand what I stand for. Good? The second thing you must know about yourself listening to me is that words are tricky. So when you know what me a stand for, when me explain a thing to you, you must never try to look 'point it in a different way from what me a stand for.”

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